We lead adolescents
to a new legacy
Clearfork Academy provide residential and outpatient treatment for teen boys aged 13-18 who are struggling with addiction and substance abuse, inviting a select cohort to recover at our Texas ranch - under the guidance of trained professionals as they create pathways towards a new legacy.

We lead adolescents
to a new legacy
Clearfork Academy provide residential and outpatient treatment for teen boys aged 13-18 who are struggling with addiction and substance abuse, inviting a select cohort to recover at our Texas ranch - under the guidance of trained professionals as they create pathways towards a new legacy.

Individuals in the grip of addiction often don’t see a way out
Clearfork Academy takes its name from the symbolic “fork in the road” facing our teens. We hope to offer them a clear alternative to the difficult path ahead of them, an alternative filled with life, hope, and promise.

"Clearfork has saved my sons life"
"My son is now 45 days in and thanks to the hands on attention and treatment philosophy of the counselors at Clearfork, he has a future and the sky is the limit for him. I feel Clear Fork has saved my sons life! If you have a son struggling, I strongly suggest Clearfork." 

- Cindy C.
Tailored treatment programs
At Clearfork Academy we use a variety of treatment programs to aid teenaged boys in their substance abuse rehabilitation. Our goal is to find the most effective treatment for each individual while holding firmly to our belief in the power of community
Residential Treatment
Residential treatment is at the core of what we do: helping teen boys recover from addiction and substance abuse in a safe, comfortable, and nonjudgmental space on a scenic Texas ranch.
Intensive Outpatient
Intensive outpatient treatment is a perfect fit for teens who may be struggling in the early stages of addiction or substance abuse and need support and guidance to avoid longer-term issues. 

Nevertheless, wherever your teen is at in their level of addiction we have a solution. Our uniquely/specifically designed continuum of care will meet you and your teens needs no matter what.
Christ-centered community
We serve adolescent boys between 13-18 years old who are entangled in the physical, mental, social and spiritual bonds of chemical dependency. 

Real change happens when there is an encounter with God. Our unique approach allows us to present God in a relational manner that is not offensive or harmful to our teens. 

Addiction is a powerful thing. Substance abuse rehabilitation requires more than behavioral modification; it requires a heart change. Jesus is the one best qualified to change hearts, so He’s central to all we do at Clearfork.
Free guide download
"Identifying the signs & symptoms of addiction"
The Clearfork difference
Residential Treatment Program Located in Fort Worth, Texas
Substance abuse and addiction can strike anyone at any age. But it is particularly devastating to teenagers, who are already balancing academics, extracurricular pursuits, family, friends, and the natural challenges that come with adolescence. Teens may turn to addictive substances for many reasons, from managing stress to coping with trauma to fitting in socially. Left unchecked, however, substance abuse can quickly spiral into a lifelong challenge.

If your teen is struggling with addiction and the major behavioral challenges that it can cause, we believe there is a better, healthier, and safer road ahead of them. That’s why we created Clearfork Academy to provide teen boys with an alternate path towards dealing with the stress of being a teenager.

Our core program is residential, inviting a select cohort of teen boys to join us on our scenic Texas ranch campus, where they experience full-time therapy, treatment, and activities led by trained professionals and supported by a philosophy that puts Christ at the center of recovery.
Individual Therapy
Our licensed therapists meet individually with our teens to help them understand the underlying causes of their addiction, as well as positive, life-affirming behaviors for lasting change.
Group Therapy
Group therapy provides the opportunity for teens to bond with fellow residents, understand that they are not alone in their addiction recovery journey, and receive support from their peers.
Family Therapy
Support from family is critical for any teen to recover from substance abuse and addiction, and we encourage families to participate in our recovery programs through ongoing visits.
Intensive Outpatient Program Located in Fort Worth, Texas
Perhaps your teen is suddenly struggling in school or showing dramatic physical and emotional changes like losing weight and unexplained mood swings. Perhaps the passions that once interested them—activities like sports, music, or other hobbies—suddenly no longer keep them engaged. Perhaps they have been caught skipping school, stealing from relatives, or drinking or using drugs.
These are often warning signs that your teen may be battling addiction or substance abuse. Every teen who struggles with addiction deserves help and a chance to heal. At Clearfork Academy, we provide treatment for teen boys who deserve a different path in life.
For teens who may need treatment that fits around academic, family, or extracurricular commitments or aren’t ready for full-time residential treatment, we offer a personalized outpatient program that provides the same therapy and Christ-centered guidance on a more flexible schedule.
Individual Therapy
Our licensed therapists meet individually with our teens to help them understand the underlying causes of their addiction, as well as positive, life-affirming behaviors for lasting change.
Group Therapy
Group therapy provides the opportunity for teens to bond with fellow residents, understand that they are not alone in their addiction recovery journey, and receive support from their peers.
Family Therapy
Support from family is critical for any teen to recover from substance abuse and addiction, and we encourage families to participate in our recovery programs through ongoing visits.
"Thank you for your caring professionalism"
"My communication with the staff on the other end of the phone has been just amazing. The staff at Clearfork Academy are truly concerned. There is immediate reply to communication and true understanding for the situation. Thank you for your caring professionalism."

- Amber P.
Our promise to you
Everyone deserves a second chance. We are devoted to ensuring substance abuse treatment is the first step towards a new life.

Our promise to you is to always honor God with our actions, words, and thoughts. To ensure transparency beyond any doubt. To promote and encourage unity through our actions in every setting. To provide excellence in our professional yet heartwarming approach...
To create a legacy that lives on. 
Meet Austin Davis,
Founder & CEO
Originally from the Saginaw, Eagle Mountain area Austin Davis earned a Bachelor of Science in Pastoral Ministry from Lee University in Cleveland, TN and a Master of Arts in Counseling from The Church of God Theological Seminary then went on to become a Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor in the State of Texas.

Austin’s professional history includes both local church ministry and clinical counseling. At a young age He began serving youth at the local church in various capacities which led to clinical training and education. Austin gained a vast knowledge of mental health disorders while working in state and public mental health hospitals.
Austin’s greatest pleasures in life are being a husband to his wife, Caroline, and a father to his growing children, Tyler, Micah, and Emma. He serves at his local church by playing guitar, speaking, and help with tech arts. Austin also enjoys being physically active, reading, woodworking, and music.
We accept most major insurance plans, if you'd like more information, feel free to contact us today:
Copyright (C) 2018 Clearfork Academy. All Rights Reserved. 7820 Hanger Cutoff Road , Fort Worth, TX 76135 
Contact Us : 
 (866) 485-1816
Clearfork Academy is Joint Commission accredited with the Gold Seal of Approval®
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